Top 4 Sign Solutions to Update a Pharmacy for less than €1000
In any retail business small efforts to update the store interior is always a positive exercise. Without expensive changes like a new floor or gondolas units signage is an inexpensive way to achive a refresh without heading to the bank manager. With the improved economy a number of pharmacy key players and symbol groups are expanding and rebranding causing the independent neightbourhood pharamcust to feel the squeeze and struggle to retain that important local customer.
We've highlighted 4 simple sign options you can action quickly with the help from our design team.
1. Category Signage
Key to customers shopping experience, you may have wall bay category signs & mid gondola signs in place or find the solution you have is not interchanable. We'll happily visit your store and evaluate the system in place and if from our experience in pharmacy we can offer a better more effective solition we will. The key is to update the visual design with a new colour scheme, new fonts even a new material and fixing system. Its very much a case by case basis as each pharmacy has it own personality and history so we like to meet with the owners, understand the pharmacy to inspire the design.

2. Window Signage
If a pharmacy is updating the fascia signage window graphics and a pocket display offer an inexpensive signage solution to improve the exterior and perhaps make it more inviting to passing traffic. We are seeing many of our pharmacy customers opt for a swoosh/border of colour or some info graphics - Our graphic designer will offer a range of options and the customer selects the style they feel best suits the pharmacy. We usually suggest coupling the graphics with a clear acrylic pocket in an A2 or A1 size to hold a poster whcih can be a general statement of services or a seasonal promtion piece. The pocket allows you to commuicate with passing traffic new services - e.g health checks or new prescription services

3. Consultation Area
The PSI requirement for a private patient consultation room, offers a new opportunity to use this space to engage with customers creating a space where customers can avail of health information. Signage advsertising new/ current services will establish your pharmacy as the best choice for confidential health advice in the local commuinity. Our designer can work up options to include:
- Door Graphics
- Wall Graphics (Interior or Exterior) with logos, pharmacy moto, branding or service listing
- Custom wall leaflet units to store pharmaceuitcal Co./HSE supplied flyers.
- Wall poster holders to accommodate posters

4.Pavement Sign The modern day pavement sign generally takes the form of a poster unit with legs/base support. The key benefit is the fact they are mobile and can be placed on the pavement to catch potential passing footfall to drive them into your store. Customers have become accustomed to a street sign and will respond postively to a well designed message. - Opening Hours - Directing Customers to Store Location - List of Key Services - Advertising Specific Offer/Service

Signmaster – A1 Poster Unit Our No. 1 seller for general retailers, outselling all pavement signs due to their robust, clumpy construction….fact they are hard to miss!. They are now avaialle in a more attractive black unit from €169 excluding posters. Benefits – Its spring loaded construction menas it has some give with the wind so suitale for more exposed area, its robust and at 1200mm tall x 200mm ) its guaranteed to deliver any message Disadvanage – If pavement space is limited it is not a suitable option & although wheels included once based filled with water or wet sand it can be cumbersome for staff to store indoors in the evenings
Swinger – Poster Unit Our no. seller to the pharmacy industry, at 700mm x 500mm it is a very neat attractive unit suitable for a high street. Usually purchased in an A2 poster size availale in white and black frame (based is black) available from €149 excluding psoters
Benefits – Great unit, lightweight, attractive, inexpensive and by utilising a range of posters inserts it can be effective all year round
Disadvantagees – Wouldn’t recommend placing unit outdoors in high winds as the clips holding panel to frame are plastic and can break if exposted to continuous bad conditions but otherwise its ideal with pharmacy